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America, America


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Mexico soccer flag.  Source:

Mexico soccer flag. Source:

Jairo came to the United States from Mexico when he was just four years old. Now he’s 17 and dreams of becoming a professional soccer player, but life in the U.S. hasn’t been easy.

On this edition, “America, America,” we go to the streets of Richmond, California where Jairo’s story takes place. We’ll hear how a life altering event could force him to hang up his cleats and choose between the game he loves and the people he loves.

This show has been a special collaboration between National Radio Project and the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Thanks to student producers, Abigail Curtis and Angélica Marín who wrote and edited this show under the guidance of independent media producer and UC Berkeley journalism lecturer, Claire Schoen.


Orlando Ramos, Richmond High School principal; Diego Garcia, Richmond SOL soccer league manager; Jairo, wants to play professional soccer; Veronica and Domingo, Jairo’s parents; Daniel Bravo, Daisy Merida and others, kids from the Richmond SOL soccer league.

Executive Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Contributing Producers: Abigail Curtis and Angélica Marín
Producer and Associate Producer: Andrew Stelzer and Puck Lo
Intern: Elena Botkin-Levy
Executive Director: Lisa Rudman

For more information:

Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition – Oakland, CA

La Raza Centro Legal – San Francisco, CA

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights – Oakland, CA

Richmond SOL Soccer League


Los Tigres Del Norte, Orishas, Ricardo Arjona and Grupo Intocable.

Author: FoC Media

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