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Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi


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Michelle Colón, President of Jackson NOW, with NOW activists Felicia Brown and Tyffine Jones at the Mississippi Statehouse. Source: NOW

Michelle Colón, President of Jackson NOW, with NOW activists Felicia Brown and Tyffine Jones at the Mississippi Statehouse. Source: NOW

In Jackson, Mississippi, a red state in the heart of the bible belt, the battle over abortion was kicked into high gear when an eight day anti-abortion demonstration ensued in the state’s capital this past summer. On one side: activists fighting to save the last abortion clinic in the state. On the other: Operation Save America trying to shut it down.

On this edition, Making Contact‘s Sarah Olson takes a closer look at the Mississippi women fighting for reproductive justice as they try to save the one remaining abortion clinic in the state.


Pastor Flip Benham, director, Operation Save America; Adam Tenant, Operation Save America; McCoy Faulkner, women’s organizations and abortion clinics security officer and retired cop; Betty Thompson, counselor and administrator, Jackson Women’s Health Organization; Michelle Colón, president, National Organization for Women Jackson Area; Shannon Reace, Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Coalition HIV/AIDS advocate; Norma McCorvey, lead plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, but now anti-abortion activist; Kim Ghandy, president, National Organization for Women (NOW); Jenni Smith, Unity Mississippi; Shauna Davie, Jackson State University student.

Senior Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Freelance Producer: Sarah Olson
Mixing Engineer: Phillip Babich
Freelance Associate Producer: Emily Polk
Intern: Alexis McCrimmon

For more information:

Jackson Women’s Health Organization – Jackson, MS

National Women’s Health Organization – Raleigh, NC 

National Organization for Women (NOW) – Washington, D.C.

Feminist Majority Foundation – Arlington, VA

National Abortion Federation – Washington, DC

Guttmacher Institute – New York, NY 

ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project

Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Project – Jackson, Mississippi

Unity Mississippi – Jackson, MS 

Author: FoC Media

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