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The War on Torture: U.S. Policy Exposed


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Abu Ghraib torture victim. Source:

Abu Ghraib torture victim. Source:

Images of bloodied, naked and shackled men.. some stacked like cordwood on a cement floor… some hooded, standing on boxes with wires attached to their fingers. These are just some of the lasting images of detainees held by U.S. forces in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison. The reports of suicides and hunger strikes by prisoners at Guantanamo Bay further remind us that a policy of torture, through deprivation and isolation, remains.

On this edition, is the U.S. practicing inexcusable torture or are these instances of overzealous intelligence gathering by a nation at war?


David Luban, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Senior Producer/Host: Tena Rubio

For more information:

Survivors International – San Francisco, CA

American Civil Liberties Union – New York, NY

American Friends Service Committee – Philadelphia, PA

Amnesty International – New York, NY

Human Rights Watch – New York, NY

Center for Constitutional Rights – New York, NY 

Physicians for Human Rights – Cambridge, MA

School of Americas Watch – Washington, DC

Witness Against Torture

QUIT (Quaker Initiative to End Torture) – Putney, VT

Author: FoC Media

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