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Remembering Marla Ruzicka


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Marla Ruzicka. Source:

Marla Ruzicka. Source:

Although the United States observes official holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day, there is no special occasion to remember all of the peace activists who have died serving the innocent victims of war. Marla Ruzicka was one of them. On April 16, 2005, after years of working in war zones like Afghanistan and Iraq, Marla was killed by a car bomb in Baghdad.

On this edition, we take a look at Marla’s life and work, through the words of some of her many friends and colleagues.


Juliette Beck, Public Citizen; Medea Benjamin and Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange; Ilyse Hogue, Rainforest Action Network; Tim Rieser, aide to U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy; Ross Mirkarimi, District 5 Supervisor, San Francisco; Michael Eisenscher, U.S. Labor Against the War; Claire Greensfelder, anti-nuclear activist; Nancy and Clifford Ruzicka.

For more information:

Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC) – Washington, DC

Author: FoC Media

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