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Queer Youth Challenges


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For some lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, coming out can have some additional challenges. On this edition, we’ll take a look at the unique perspective of LGBTQ youth on such topics as foster care, childhood sexual abuse, and disability.


Dr. Miriam Kaufman, pediatrician and author; James Guay, marriage and family therapist; Staci Haines, founder and director, Generation Five; Mercedes Gibson, employment training and outreach coordinator, LYRIC; Malkia Cyril, director, Youth Media Council; Rudy Estrada, foster care attorney; Shannon Wilbur, director, Legal Services for Children; Jody Markshammer, attorney, National Center for Lesbian Rights.

For more information:

University of Toronto
The Hospital for Sick Children
Division of Adolescent Medicine

LYRIC/Dimensions Clinic

Generation Five

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund – New York, NY

Legal Services for Children – San Francisco, CA

National Center for Lesbian Rights – San Francisco, CA

Clarence Anderson Group Home

Reviews of this program on PRX (Public Radio Exchange):

Posted: 5-30-2006
Reviewer: Patrick Keilty, Student, Los Angeles

This program is an insightful look into an overlooked LGBT issue, the disproportionate number of LGBT youth in foster care. LGBT youth in foster care face a desperate lack of social services and often find themselves in abusive and neglectful situations. There?s not adequate safe housing for the large numbers of LGBT youth who are forced to leave their homes as a result of conflicts around their sexuality. The program shows the variety of problems that ensue when foster parents discriminate against their LGBT foster children, including the effects it has on straight-identified foster children. The program?s narration largely dominates the direction of the topic, and firsthand accounts are surprisingly short but very valuable.

Rating: 5/5
Adjectives: Informational, Intriguing, Provocative

Author: FoC Media

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