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Women Rising III: International Changemakers Women Writer Activists


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Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this Women’s Desk edition, we profile three courageous women writer-activists.

This Women’s Desk program is a special collaboration with the Women Rising Radio Project, Lynn Feinerman and Crown Sephira Productions.


Ritu Menon, leading Indian feminist publisher; Maria Cristina Caballero, Colombian journalist and peace activist; Asale Angel Ajani, African American author on Colombia.

Producer/Writer: Lynn Feinerman
Host: Sandina Robbins

Review of this program on PRX (Public Radio Exchange):

Posted: 12-17-2004
Reviewer: Dheera Sujan (Radio Netherlands)

I was gripped by this programme. Its format is very simple – three women talk about their lives and the things that matter most to them. However the fact that they’re women from different parts of the world but often talking about similar things show the universality of issues like ending violence, health, literacy, giving voice to the voiceless. At first I thought that the triangle wasn’t balanced; An Indian publisher followed by two writer/ activists talking about Columbia – but in the end it doesn’t matter as Maria Cristina Caballero and Asale Angel Aiani both had different stories to tell. Caballero especially talks in a breathless nervous way that really breathed emotion into her story of going to meet one of the country’s most feared men. This programme is riveting listening and proves the theory that radio has no need of any razzle dazzle when the speakers are good – in this case, the speakers are very good.

Rating: 4/5
Adjectives: Contemplative, Engaging, Personal

Author: FoC Media

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