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A New York Welcome: Protesters Respond to the Republican Agenda


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President George W. Bush’s 2004 presidential nominee acceptance speech touted national security as the nation’s priority. But outside the convention center at New York’s Madison Square Garden, hundreds of thousands protested the Republican agenda. On this edition, correspondent Pauline Bartolone takes us on an audio tour of the protests outside the largest demonstration against a political convention in U.S. history.


Zoe Ginsberg, student activist; Leslie Kaufman, mobilizing coordinator, United for Peace and Justice; Louie Jones, Positive Health Project; Andrea Buffa, Code Pink; Katya Kamasarik, Just Cause Law Collective; Oshaeda Hall Phillips, Groundwork; Rudy Guiliani, former mayor of New York City; Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California; Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States; George W. Bush, President of the United States.

For more information:

Positive Health Project/Still We Rise Coalition – New York, NY

Leslie Kaufman, Mobilizing Coordinator – New York, NY

New York City AIDS Housing Network

Still We Rise Coalition

Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting

Other helpful links:

Author: FoC Media

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