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Empty Promises? NAFTA at 10


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Salmon and crab fisher Pietro Parravano on his vessel, the Anne B., in Half Moon Bay, California. Source: Phillip Babich

Salmon and crab fisher Pietro Parravano on his vessel, the Anne B., in Half Moon Bay, California. Source: Phillip Babich

It’s been ten years since the North American Free Trade Agreement was implemented. Proponents claimed that NAFTA would be a solution for poverty and sluggish economic growth in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Opponents warned that NAFTA would spark a race to the bottom in wages, labor rights, and environmental standards. On this edition of Making Contact, we hear from people who are working on the front lines of so-called free trade-farmers and a fisherman-and get their perspectives on corporate-led economic globalization. We also have a report from Chiapas, Mexico, where indigenous communities celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Zapatista uprising.


Pietro Parravano, president, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations; Dena Hoff, farmer in eastern Montana, member of the National Family Farm Coalition; Congressman Dennis Kucinich, co-chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus and candidate for the Democratic nomination for President; Lori Wallach, director, Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch; Lucas Benitez, Coalition of Immokalee Workers; John Ross, author and journalist who has been covering Mexican Politics over the last 30 years; Marceline White, director, Global Trade Program with Women’s Edge; Zapatista Comandante Zebedeo; Alicia, Tzeltal indigenous woman and coordinatior in a Zapatista Autonomous Communities; Jennifer Whitney, member of the collective Notes from Nowhere.

For more information:

Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations – San Francisco, CA

National Family Farm Coalition – Washington, DC

Public Citizen – Washington, DC

Coalition of Immokalee Workers – Immokalee, FL

Women’s Edge Coalition – Washington, D.C.

Notes from Nowhere

Author: FoC Media

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