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The Power of Women’s Peacemaking


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Women’s groups around the world are developing powerful strategies to resist war and create peace. From Code Pink to women in Kosovo, unique approaches to conflict draw upon traditions of feminism and non-violence.

On this Women’s Desk edition of Making Contact, we’ll hear some of the ideas behind women’s movements to reclaim the power of peacemaking, including stories of cross-border organizing, and stories of direct action against war-makers.


Victoria Cunningham and Gael Murphy, participants in Code Pink; Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, African Women’s Development Fund; Eve Ensler, playwright and activist; Igballe Rigova, Kosovo Women’s Network; Dr. Louise Diamond, author and trainer, PeaceTech; Roxanne Lawson, American Friends Service Committee; Saadia Yacoob, United for Peace and Justice; and a poem from the New Mexico Peace Buzz event.

For more information:

African Women’s Development Fund –Accra, Ghana

Code Pink

Kosovo Women’s Network –Prishtine, Kosovo

Bristol, Vermont

United for Peace and Justice
Washington, DC

American Friends Service Committee –Washington, D.C.

Author: FoC Media

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