Out of Bounds: War and International Humanitarian Law
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They say “All’s fair in love and war.” But that’s not necessarily true. Every lover has his or her limit. And, when it comes to war, there’s a whole body of international law that governs armed conflict and seeks to limit injury and death among non-combatants.
On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at International Humanitarian Law and how it applies to depleted uranium weapons and humanitarian aid in Iraq. We also hear about an important war crimes case in Guatemala.
International Humanitarian Law attorney Karen Parker; Gulf War veteran Dan Fahey, Veterans for Common Sense;Dr. Doug Rokke, who oversaw the clean up of depleted uranium in Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War; Mark Bartolini, International Rescue Committee; Kim Bush, who worked as a human rights observer for the Network In Solidarity with the People of Guatemala; Christina Laur, Center for Human Rights Legal Action in Guatemala City; Phil Anderson, Guatemala Human Rights Commission in Washington, D.C.; Rigoberto Queme, Guatemala’s first indigenous presidential candidate.
For more information:
International Rescue Committee –San Francisco, CA
CALDH (Centro para Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos) –Ciudad de Guatemala
Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA –Washington, DC