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Code Red: Status of the Constitution


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The United States has changed dramatically since September 11th, 2001. The FBI can obtain data more easily than ever: searching homes, libraries, and databases, all without probable cause. The government also has secretly detained and deported thousands of Arab and Muslim men.

We’ll examine how these actions are in conflict with the Constitution. We’ll also hear about Patriot Act II, which expands the government’s data collection powers.


Chuck Lewis, Executive Director of the Center for Public Integrity; Banafsheh Akhlaghi, civil rights and civil liberties attorney, focusing on special registration immigration issues; Margaret Russell, ACLU National Board Member, Associate Professor of Law at Santa Clara University; Hussein Ibish, Communications Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; Judith Krug, Director of the American Library Association; Ann Fagan Ginger, Executive Director of the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Union; Cindy Cohn, Legal Director of the Electronic Freedom Foundation;  and personal stories of Jason Halperin, and Mohammed, whose civil liberties were violated.

For a free listener packet on civil liberties and the Constitution, send an email to Esther Manilla .

For more information:

American Library Association/Office for Intellectual Freedom –Chicago, IL

Santa Clara University, School of Law –Santa Clara, CA

Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute –Berkeley, CA

Electronic Frontier Foundation
San Francisco, CA

The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Washington, D.C.

Center for Public Integrity –Washington, D.C.

Banafsheh Akhlaghi & Mohammed Akhlaghi & Associates –San Francisco, CA

Author: FoC Media

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