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Women Rising: International Changemakers


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Women worldwide are gaining influence as leaders: struggling for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. On this edition of Making Contact, we profile three tireless and effective women: Wangari Maathai, founder of the Greenbelt Movement in Kenya; Devorah Brous, founder of Bustan L’Shalom, a human rights/peace and justice organization in Israel/Palestine; Lydia Alpizar, founder of Elije, a youth organization for women’s rights in Mexico.

This Women’s Desk program is a special collaboration with the Women Rising Radio Project, Lynn Feinerman and Crown Sephira Productions.

Producer/Writer: Lynn Feinerman
Host: Sandina Robbins

For more information:

Alto a la Impunidad

Greenbelt Movement, Africa

Bustan L’Shalom

Author: FoC Media

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