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Surrogate Forces: U.S. Foreign Military Training


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For some time the U.S. government has forged relations with foreign countries by providing military training and equipment. Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, this type of assistance — sometimes provided by private military contractors — has become a key component in the so-called war on terrorism. In many cases, the U.S. government is working with militaries that are known violators of human rights. On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at U.S. training programs for foreign armies. We also examine a new recruitment push by the U.S. military.


Lora Lumpe, senior associate with the International Peace Research Institute; Debra Avant, associate professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University; Major General William Nash (retired), Council on Foreign Relations; Sharon Burke, advocacy director for military security and police issues at Amnesty International; Wilson Riles, former regional director for the American Friends Service Committee.

For more information:

Foreign Policy in Focus report: “U.S. Foreign Military Training: Global Reach, Global Power, and Oversight Issues”

Amnesty International – Washington, D.C.

School of Social Justice and Community Development

Author: FoC Media

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