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Above the Law? The U.S. and the International Criminal Court


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The Bush administration has put up stiff opposition to the International Criminal Court, which went into effect on July 1, 2002. U.S. officials say the judicial body, which will try defendants on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, is a threat to the nation’s sovereignty. Human rights advocates — and many nations around the world — say that the court could end an era of impunity for those who have engaged in genocide and mass rape.

On this program, we take a look at U.S. government opposition to the ICC. And, the National Radio Project’s Women’s Desk examines what the establishment of the court could mean for victims of sexual violence in wartime.


Richard Dicker, Human Rights Watch; Tod Ensign, Citizen Soldier; Heather Hamilton, World Federalist Association/Washington Working Group on the ICC; William Pace, NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court; Raj Purohit, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights; Michael Ratner, Center for Constitutional Rights; Betty Kaari Murungi, Urgent Action Fund – Africa; Voices from the video “If Hope Were Enough,” produced by the Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice.

For more information:

Human Rights Watch – New York, NY

Citizen Soldier – New York, NY

World Federalist Association/Washington Working Group on the ICC – Washington, DC

NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court – New York, NY

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights – Washington, DC

Center for Constitutional Rights – New York, NY

Urgent Action Fund – Africa – Nairobi, Kenya

Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice (and video “If Hope Were Enough”)
New York, NY

The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan

John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University – Cambridge, MA

Author: FoC Media

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